
Vesttoo Marketplace: Portfolio Dashboard

At the heart of Vesttoo's marketplace for investors is the Portfolio Dashboard. As a central feature, it not only provided investors with a unique digital tool, but also played a key role in acquiring dozens of investors.

my role

UX/UI Designer


1 x Product Manager
1 x Dev Lead

Final screen of the feature



The Vesttoo Marketplace is a digital platform that automates reinsurance transactions between insurers and capital market investors, connecting insurance risk to capital and using advanced machine learning.

Using Vesttoo technology, it automates risk modeling, structuring, pricing, investor matching, portfolio optimization and transaction monitoring for insurers and capital markets investors.

Diagram explaining the platform

The Problem

Capital market investors frequently encounter the challenge of effectively monitoring and analyzing the performance of insurance-linked assets.

We have the technology, but a digital tool is needed to make data accessible to investors. Through our marketplace, we aim to provide investors with new investment opportunities and earning potential, so how can we help them track their success through familiar metrics?

The Solution

We identified key metrics for users, converting calculations into a user friendly interface and understandable charts for investors.

The result is a clean, efficient and attractive dashboard feature that has had a great deal of impact, both for the business and for our users.

We have provided our investors with an effective tool

We now had an effective way to educate and attract potential clients

icon of a person with a headset

Sales calls were much easier

Icon of a hand with a coin

Conversion rates increased

Icon of a chart and a magnifying glass

Easier monitoring

Icon of a circle and dots around it

Single source
of truth

Icon of three people and three dots connecting them

Increased investor engagement

Case Study


In order to meet the needs of our investors, I conducted interviews with external and internal experts, carried out extensive marketing research and researched leading investment platforms.

Based on marketing and user research, I then created user stories and personas to help us achieve our goals.

“As an investor, I need to analyze future risk metrics of my portfolio, to make internal risk management decisions and improve the risk/return metrics of my portfolio by selling/ holding assets”

“As an investor, I want to monitor and track the performance of my portfolio and compare it to the initial projection, to assess my modeling capabilities and improve my selection of future investment opportunities”

“As a Vesttoo salesperson, I want to have a tool that would convince, educate and explain our value to potential and existing investors"

Research Insights

  • Our users have limited time
  • They're open to unconventional investments, but need to be convinced that our platform is reliable
  • Many don't know much about the reinsurance market and would need to be educated before and while using the platform
  • Investors are used to traditional methods and are suspicious of digital tools
  • It’s a totally new investment class for them, as they don't normally invest in reinsurance market
  • They are used to seeing investment data in real-time
  • It’s important to them to have a quick access of the portfolio overview and see directly if they’re making profit
  • Vesttoo team lacks visual effective tool to explain the investment process to potential investors


How might we help our investors find the right investment opportunities and track their success using our technology, while being transparent and clear?

Finding the Solution

During the initial sketching phase, I took into account the following points to address the insights from the research:


  • Easy access to information about the investment process and different investment terms.
  • Identifying essential metrics based on MVP and user research.
  • Highlighting key numbers so users can quickly assess their profitability.
  • Being transparent about the last data update, as we do not have the technical capability to display real-time data.


  • Considering displaying all the key metrics in a single screen, as opposed to splitting them up into separate screens.
  • How our users should navigate to investment opportunities and each individual investment
  • Organizing existing investments into active and 'in progress' (incomplete) categories, allowing users to take additional actions to advance the ongoing processes.
  • Leading platforms have a specific structure that is familiar to investors


  • Defining investment profile, suggesting recommended investments, saving favorite opportunities, etc.

Data Visualisation

  • Tables and charts are essential to convey information
  • certain colors are traditionally used to highlight information: blue - finance, green - profit, red - loss
  • Given the complexity of data, it is important to keep the interface clean and minimalist to avoid confusion

In a traditional industry, we want to incorporate new ideas, while speaking the language of the familiar.


Based on the above, I made the first draft of the structure, followed by mockups.

Tests and Iterations

Iterated on the solution after testing it with our users and coming up with the following insights:

  • We should simplify our charts and even split some into two different ones.
  • We incorporated the watchlist into a separate feature called "Opportunities" for a clear distinction.
  • Our users want to have fewer colors and to be more "serious". I came up with a more monochromatic color scheme for the charts and removed unnecessary icons and illustrations and created more minimalistic icons.
  • At this point, navigation will be through tabs rather than a sidebar, as our users are more familiar with this structure.
  • We started to think about where and how we would communicate with the user to help them - we decided to do this through tooltips and diagrams, leaving the help center for our website.
  • We had to consider development constraints - for example, I had to adapt the charts so that the development team could use the Highcharts library.

Visual Elements

Created an additional color scheme for charts and diagrams, redesigned existing icons, created new ones, and incorporated these components into the design system.  

Final Screens

Designed and prototyped the new screens, which were then handed over to the development team.

We collaborated until the feature was launched and then reviewed it with the QA team to address and fix any bugs, flow issues, UI issues and unforeseen problems.

Impact and Next Steps

We developed a tool that proved to be efficient for both our users and Vesttoo employees.

The conversion rates from the first to the consecutive calls with investors were increased by about 50%.

Sales calls were much more effective and allowed us to acquire dozens of potential users.

Users reported higher satisfaction due to the digitalization, clear charts and convenience of the tool.

We granted access to information and introduced a new asset class in a market lacking transparency for investors.

Our next steps involved testing the results we had obtained with a larger number of users. We also planned to integrate the platform with capital markets investors' systems. This integration will enable advanced analytics that cover transactions not facilitated by our company, providing greater insight and value to our clients.