
Data Upload System

Due to a lack of clear data-treatment methodology in the insurance industry, we had to design a simple, intuitive tool covering a very wide range of input options.


UX/UI Design

Project Overview


The Vesttoo Marketplace is a digital platform that automates and simplifies reinsurance transactions between insurers and capital market investors, connecting insurance risk to capital.

A simple, intuitive Data Upload System for users was a critical step in the process, allowing users to upload insurance portfolio data needed in order to accurately model, structure and price deals on the platform with machine learning technology.

The Need

Uploading granular insurance portfolio data was the first step in building transactions on Vesttoo’s marketplace, and necessary to begin the risk modeling process.

Therefore, a system was needed that would simplify and automate the process both for users and for the company.

The Outcome

A user-friendly system, designed to simplify the complexities of the data required for reinsurance transactions

The system was tailored for both first-time and repeat users, and shortened the time needed for this step significantly while facilitating the treatment of data for the rest of the process.

Research and Insights

In our initial user research, we focused on the way our users typically interact with data and discovered significant challenges in designing the system, namely:

  • Users don't use a specific format and the information doesn't appear in a specific structure.
  • They use raw data files and aren’t used to specific data requirements
  • Data security is very critical to insurers due to regulation
  • Some data requirements might be misinterpreted, therefore the data received by Vesttoo might be wrong, causing more back and forth
  • Several data types are required, each with different requirements, significantly complicating the user experience

Problem Statement

Insurers need to upload granular data to Vesttoo to initiate the risk modeling process and move the transaction forward. However, users may be unfamiliar with the specific formats and requirements.

How might we help them upload their files easily and reduce Vesttoo's workload at the same time?


No specific format

Aren’t used to our requirements

Misinterpreted requirements

Complex data requierements


Providing templates and file examples

Providing detailed guidance which a first time user will have to read before uploading

Explaining and visualization of the deal process

Finding the most intuitive user flow Reducing and grouping our questions

Sketches and Flows

I started by creating initial hand-drawn sketches to illustrate various ideas for the feature, while also exploring several options for the user flow.

Next, I created high-fidelity screens for some of the options

Option 1

The initial idea was to employ a wizard to simplify the complex process into manageable steps. Also, it gives us the space to include detailed explanations for each data type. However, a challenge arises as the system doesn't automatically identify the data type, requiring users to manually select it before adding a file. This leads to a return to the initial stages of the wizard for each file.

Option 2

The concept here was to run the upload process within a modal window - a recurring pattern throughout the platform, familiar to our users, and keeping everything on one screen. However, in this scenario we would need to simplify the question form.

Option 3

The concept here was to divide the screen, consolidating all actions in a single view. The left side is designated for uploading options, and the right side is for the uploaded files and required information. However, users may find it unclear whether to select a file type before or after uploading. Additionally, incorporating all the necessary forms and process explanations could present challenges.

Option 4

Considering the complexity of each data type, I was contemplating the creation of tabs for each in this final option. However, there is confusion surrounding the "my files" function, intended for files already sent to Vesttoo, not just uploaded. Consequently, this option lacks a summary page for all the files the user recently uploaded and might be overly complex.

Sketches and Flows

Next, we selected a few options that we felt were more optimal, and I created high fidelity screens for each.

Upon creating the prototypes, additional challenges were discovered


  • I included short information about each type in a tooltip
  • There is a clear indication of where the user is
  • There are detailed upload instructions
  • Our users might miss the template or the important information under tooltips
  • Too many steps and the forms are too complex
  • To upload a different type of data, you'd have to go back to the beginning of the wizard, so it doesn't really work

Option 2:

  • Each square on the homepage would open detailed information about each data type
  • They could upload several files and only edit information at the end
  • Upon testing I discovered users were confused and thought they were actual buttons (when in fact they open a modal window with information)
  • Could have missed instructions
  • As we couldn't automatically identify the data type, users would need to manually select it for each file after uploading all of them, creating a potential risk of forgetting the association between files and their respective data types

Final Screens

Following feedback, iterations were made and final screens were created.

  • I converted the squares into functional buttons
  • Rather than hiding important information behind tooltips, I presented it as a must-read in a modal window for first-time users, while keeping it optional for recurring users
  • We minimized the number of questions to incorporate them into a single screen and simplified the forms
  • I incorporated a summary of files before the user submits them to Vesttoo
  • I introduced a "My Files" view for data already being processed by Vesttoo


After testing the final result, we received positive feedback. Users noted that the process became more straightforward and clear in terms of the necessary steps, resulting in a significant reduction in the time needed to process each transaction.